Predator 2 are a little more well regarded, they haven’t aged as gracefully as they could have, and the acquisition of developer Sierra means that their multiplayer servers have long since been taken offline.

She’s not exactly a force of unparalleled destruction, but there is certainly a monstrous (and mildly nauseating) quality to playing with her-a bit like building contraptions in Besiege if you were working primarily in the medium of corpse limbs instead of, you know, wood. She squints like a cat getting a good chin-scratch when she reaches the goal of each level. She winces as her appendages are stretched and snapped away. She peers out at you with her large, singular eye. Quozzle’s on a quest to save her sisters. You are supposed to empathize with the abomination of bone and sinew you craft and steer to solve puzzles in Incredipede.
The Lost World for Playstation iterated on the brilliance of that idea, introducing a full complement of prehistoric characters (while tragically replacing the grungy Genesis beats of its predecessor with an orchestral score). Okay, maybe it had two serious advantages, because in addition to having an exceptionally raunchy soundtrack you could also play from the perspective of either Dr. The version of Jurassic Park for the Sega Genesis had one very serious advantage over every other platform: Its grimy bassline. Whether you want to scratch a monstrous itch without committing to a brand new, full price game, or you’re just looking to revisit a few of the classics that came before, here are 10 monster-led titles worth sinking your teeth into, in no specific order. Evolve is only the latest of these, and it’s following in the footsteps of some of the most unique parts of gaming history. It’s a natural offshoot of the standard videogame power fantasy, and it’s spawned its fair share of interesting concepts over the years.
When many gaming experiences can still be broken up into a series of boss fights and Big Bads, taking on the role of one of those bosses can be particularly satisfying-especially if you still get to stomp all over the heroes.